(Stationery is YMCA On Active Service with the American Expeditionary Force)
(To sister Alice, age 17)

February the Middle

Dear Sis:

Well, how is Pietro by now? OK, I'll bet. I allow he is some wop by the name he has, but he can't be any uglier than McKinley Young at that, ha! Ha! Oh yes, I had a madamoiselle here the other night and along comes a guy that could "parlay voo" a little better than I could, and coops my chicken. Oh well, I should worry. I get a new one every week or oftener anyway. They're easy to get over here and boocoo of them. I don't spend many of my francs on these French chicks. I've got a Y.M.C.A. receipt for 226 francs and have 230 with me, and 150 francs coming before you get this, so you can mighty well guess that it's very little I spend at all.

Oh well, Aunt Allie, you and Uncle Pietro Domenick Larizzo Lucaszewski had better not name any of yours such names as Jim or Tom, or he will never be able to live it down. Oh Henry! Well I declare, I want you to hush! Hee! Hee! You better not accept any such propositions or you will get that sneaking headache. Oh! I'm wise, OK. Why shouldn't I be, ha! Oh you, Gertrude - Thelma, ha! Ha! Alright, the same ship that brought your letter brought one from Thelma and one from the best of all. My Ida! My Ida-line, Sweet Ida-line! Well, there's no joke, I wouldn't tell Thelma that but Ida's got them all beat. But Thelma is good looking. She is a second Ida only better looking, but don't you tell Ida a word of this or your name will be Dennis!

Well, of course, the Germans have surrendered but you have heard all about it. I told Pa more in his Xmas letter than I can tell you but I never told him all I know. I'm going to tell that when I come home, or croak and forget it all, ha! I've got a lot to tell you all when I get home which won't be long. You can tell very easy that I was pretty well posted on the way the war was going by the letters I wrote the last of October. So you can see also that I won't miss when I'll come home very far. I will be there on your birthday at the outside. Maybe a couple or three weeks sooner.

Well I must close so answer soon. As ever your brother,

Pvt L. McCoy
Co H 35th Reg T.C.
American E.F.
